Extremely sharp withers with tight shoulders.
SNOW was shown in 2004 and he was JUNIOR CHAMPION at
the same show where his dad KRUGERRAND was SENIOR
CHAMPION, GCH, BEST BUCK IN SHOW. His picture is on the
marylanddairygoat.org website. SNOW's first daughter
to be shown went grand over approximately 30 in Wisconsin
for the ASP family. SNOW making excellent mammaries.
SNOW's second show was a 3-ring Buck Show in May 13,
'06. In two rings he was Reserve Grand Champion (14
bucks). In one ring the Grand that beat him was Best In
Show. Family seems to be slow-maturing. The daughters milk
awesome. A strange thing about him and
TZAR is that they wag their tails
like little kids when you pat them.
In his last show he went Grand vs 14.
For Sale: $15/straw (sold in units of 10 straws).